Five diseases best treated in homoeopathy

 Homeopathy is a medical system developed in Germany more than 200 years ago. It's based on the belief that minimal doses of natural substances can help stimulate the body to cure itself.

The natural substances, in larger doses, are typically known to cause symptoms in healthy people, but can be used in very small doses to treat similar symptoms. This is the homeopathic theory that, "like cures like." Homeopathic medications are referred to as remedies.

Homeopathy is holistic and healing in that the treatment is directed to the affected part thereby when its function is restored the part will be in tact even without medicine. In this context it is useful to know that every disease has a particular spectrum - from functional disturbance to the failure of the organ. One must adopt homoeopathy at the very first stage of functional disturbance because at this point of time, homoeopathy can be exclusively employed to heal the disease. As the stages advance in the given spectrum, exclusiveness will start reducing and some kind of support auxiliary means has to be utilized to bestow support from outside.

Here are 5 groups of diseases which can be best treated and healed with homoeopathy:

1. Auto-immune diseases: A disease in which the body's immune system attacks healthy cells. These are Rheumatoid arthritis, Celiac disease, Sjogren’s syndrome, Ankylosing spondylitis, Alopecia, etc.

2. Degenerative diseases: A disease in which the function or structure of the affected tissues or organs changes for the worse over time These include Osteoarthritis, Cancers, Osteoporosis, etc.

3. Menstrual dis orders : Menstrual disorders are problems that affect a woman's normal menstrual cycle. These are Dysmenorrhea, Menorrhagia, Amenorrhea, Pre-menstrual syndrome, etc.

4. Psychiatric diseases: 
These refer to a broad range of problems that disturb a person's thoughts, feelings, behavior or mood. These are Autism, Bipolar disorder, Depression, etc.

5. Acute or seasonal diseases:  Acute conditions are severe and sudden in onset. Seasonal diseases arise due to the change in the environmental conditions during different seasons. Under these can be covered all kind of fevers, Common cold, Throat infections, diarrhea, Flu, Allergies, etc.

Each one of the disease is treated with a specific strategy to understand its underlying cause and their symptoms for which its corresponding remedy is selected.

The process is Case-taking, Selection of Medicine, determination of potency with repetition and follow-up. Every step is vital in the treatment of the patient for a successful outcome.

When a patient comes for the first time he or she needs about an hour or so to gather all the details pertaining to the condition of the patient which includes his personality, food habits, their cravings and aversions apart from the details of disease and all pathological reports.


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